Faulty Drugs

Craniosynostosis part of lawsuit against Zoloft maker

Craniosynostosis, a condition that leads to abnormally shaped heads in babies, has been linked to use of the drug Zoloft while the babies’ mothers were pregnant. Studies show that women who took Zoloft during pregnancy were more likely to give birth to infants with certain birth defects, including defects involving the heart, head, and lungs.

Craniosynostosis is a defect in which sutures in a baby’s skull close earlier than they are meant to. These sutures normally act as dividers between the different bones in a baby’s skill. When they close prematurely, the baby’s head may appear abnormally shaped as a result.

Babies with craniosynostosis may lack the “soft spot” that is usually detectable in an infant’s skull. As the baby grows, his or her head may grow slowly in comparison to the rest of the baby’s body, or it may show almost no growth at all.

The head shapes of babies with craniosynostosis vary depending on which sutures close first, but they often appear long and narrow with a very broad forehead.

Babies with this condition usually require surgery at a very young age to relieve pressure to the brain and allow it to properly grow.

Mothers who took Zoloft while pregnant and gave birth to babies with craniosynostosis may be entitled to financial compensation in a Zoloft lawsuit. Contact us today for a free evaluation to see if your case meets the requirements for a lawsuit against the makers of Zoloft, and let us help you pursue the compensation you and your child deserve.

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